Festival Internacional Cervantino

The Festival Internacional Cervantino (FIC), popularly known as El Cervantino, is a festival which takes place each fall in the city of Guanajuato, located in central Mexico. The festival originates from the mid 20th century, when short plays by Miguel de Cervantes called entremeses (singular entremés) were performed in the city’s plazas. Guanajuato is a […]

Feria Nacional de San Marcos

The Feria Nacional de San Marcos (San Marcos Fair) is a national fair held in the Mexican state of Aguascalientes every year for three (or sometimes four) weeks. Most of the events related to the fair, however, occur in the city of Aguascalientes, the state capital. The exact date of the fair varies every year […]

Festival del Centro Histórico


The Festival de México is a cultural festival that is held annually in Mexico City . Every year the most outstanding of the tradition and the artistic vanguard of the world come together in its programming, which has managed to position this meeting as one of the best in Mexico and Latin America . Its […]

Carnaval De Mazatlan

Mazatlán Carnival is said to be the third biggest carnival in the world with over a million people celebrating in the city for the six days before Lent. Here is everything you need to know to celebrate carnival in Mazatlán When is the Mazatlán Carnival 2023? Mazatlán Carnival is a pre-Lenten carnival that always takes […]